Protocol AMM :
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Dual-liquidity type:
Each Hiveswap LP can have its own type, depending on price correlation level between the two tokens of the pair.
Volatile pair:
Volatile pairs are composed of uncorrelated assets, based on the usual UniV2 model, using the standard constant product formula
Stable pairs:
Stable pairs are used for correlated assets, and will try to maintain a 1:1 transfer ratio as much as possible. The formula is based on the well-known Solidly curve:
Dynamic Directional fees:
When it comes to different projects we understand a one size fits all approach doesn’t always work. Hiveswap provides adjustable swap fees based on protocol specifics and market conditions
Hiveswap pairs can be set up with their own swap fees, but it’s also possible for them to be set up with different values depending on if there is a sell or a buy.
This leads to freedom to incentivize every pair efficiently, depending on the volatility or lack thereof, of the asset. This will also be determined by the needs of the protocols launching with Hiveswap.
Each protocol launching on Hiveswap can have their LPs configured with specific rates tailored to suit their strategy.
We want to provide the possibility for partners to take control of their own pairs’ swap fees.
Partner Specific Referral:
Our swap referral will be for our whitelisted partners/projects only.
Every partnered project can add a referral address to each transaction made on Hiveswap through their Dapp, which in turn receives a portion of their users generated swap fees. This creates a win/win situation for both Hiveswap and our partners as both protocols will be rewarded.